How to Treat Leukaemia (Cancer of the Blood) with Norland Products in Nigeria
How to Treat Leukaemia (Cancer of the Blood) with Norland Products in Nigeria
It is pertinent to note that Leukaemia is a blood cancer caused by the rise in the number of white blood cells in the body. According to, these white blood cells crowd out the platelets and red blood cells needed by the body to stay healthy.
The other white blood cells do not make the bodywork right. In simpler terms, Leukaemia is Cancer of the blood cells. There are diverse broad categories of blood cells, and they are:
- White blood cells (WBCs)
- Red blood cells (RBCs), and;
- Platelets.
On a general note, Leukaemia is regarded as Cancer of the white blood cells. Bear in mind that white blood cells are an integral part of the immune system. They help in protecting the body from invasion by:
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Abnormal cells and other foreign substances.
When it comes down to Leukaemia, the white blood cells do not function the way they should. Also, they can split up quickly and even crowd out the normal cells. They are majorly produced in the bone marrow.
However, specific white blood cells are made in the thymus gland, spleen and lymph nodes.
Once they are formed, the white blood cells circulate through the body in the blood and lymph. The lymph is the fluid that circulates all through the lymphatic system.
According to, the exact cause of this Cancer of the blood is unknown. But it is thought to consist of a combination of environmental and genetic factors. The leukaemia cells acquire mutations in their DNA.
These mutations cause them to grow abnormally and lose the functions of the regular white blood cells. It is unclear what causes the mutation to take place. A type of change that is common in the cells’ DNA in Leukaemia is chromosome translocation.
This process entails a part of one chromosome breaking off and attaching to a different chromosome. Note that most leukaemia cases are not thought of to be hereditary.
Although specific genetic mutations and conditions can be passed to offspring, it boosts the chances of developing Leukaemia.
Types Of Leukaemia
According to, the onset of this Cancer can be acute, sudden onset, or chronic, which means slow onset. In acute Leukaemia, the Cancer cells tend to multiply swiftly.
As for chronic Leukaemia, the disease progresses gradually, and the early symptoms can be pretty mild. Note that Leukaemia is further classified following the type of cell.
They are:
- Acute myelogenous Leukaemia (AML)
This can occur in adults and kids. Note that over twenty-one thousand new cases of AML are diagnosed yearly. It is the most popular form of Leukaemia. It has a five-year survival rate which is 26.9percent.
- Acute lymphocytic Leukaemia (ALL)
It mainly occurs in children. It should be noted that roughly six thousand new cases of ALL are diagnosed yearly. Its five-year survival rate is 68.2percent.
- Chronic myelogenous Leukaemia (CML)
CML mainly affects adults. Note that roughly nine thousand new cases of CML are diagnosed yearly. Its five-year survival rate is 66.9percent.
- Chronic lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)
CLL mostly affects people that are over the age of fifty-five. It is rarely seen in kids, and roughly twenty thousand new cases of CLL are diagnosed yearly. Its five-year survival rate is 83.2 percent.
Furthermore, a rare subtype of CLL is hairy cell leukaemia. It got its name from the appearance of the cancerous lymphocytes found under a microscope.
Symptoms Of Leukaemia
According to, the symptoms of Leukaemia differ as it depends on the type of Leukaemia. Nevertheless, the common leukaemia symptoms and signs are:
- Chills or fever
- Severe or frequent infections
- Losing weight even without trying
- Enlarged liver or spleen, swollen lymph nodes
- Easy bruising or bleeding
- Weakness, Persistent fatigue
- Nosebleeds that are Recurrent
- Petechiae; tiny red spots found on the skin
- Excessive sweating, mostly at night
- Tenderness or bone pain
More so, you should see a doctor if you have any Recurrent signs or symptoms that get you worried. The symptoms of Leukaemia are quite vague and not always specific.
Treatment For Leukaemia
There are diverse medical approaches to the treatment of this disease. Its treatment will normally rely on the type of Leukaemia in question, age of the patient and health status. The treatment will also be dependent on whether the leukaemia cells have spread to the cerebrospinal fluid or not.
Also, the certain characteristics or genetic changes of the leukaemia cells will determine the treatment that will be appropriate. Note that, Watchful waiting can be an alternative for people with chronic Leukaemia and have no symptoms.
It entails close monitoring of the disease for treatment to begin once the symptoms develop. This watchful waiting will enable the patient to postpone or avoid the side effects of any treatment.
Nonetheless, the risk associated with waiting is that it may likely eliminate any possibility of controlling the Leukaemia before it worsens. Some other treatments for Leukaemia can be:
- Chemotherapy
- Biological therapy
- Radiation therapy
- Targeted therapy, and;
- Stem cell transplant.
Acute Leukaemia is treated once it is diagnosed. The treatment aims to induce remission, which is the absence of leukaemia cells in the patient’s body. Once remission is attained, therapy can be given to prevent any relapse.
It is almost unlikely to be cured using the treatment for chronic Leukaemia, but the treatments can sometimes control the Cancer and manage symptoms. In addition, people with chronic Leukaemia are sometimes candidates for stem cell transplant.
Most patients prefer to get a second opinion before they start treatment for Leukaemia. However, in some cases, there is time to receive second opinions and consider the treatment options without making any of the treatment less effective.
Nevertheless, in some rare cases of aggressive Leukaemia, the treatment must start immediately. A patient will have to discuss with the doctor the possibility of getting a second opinion on any prospective delays in treatment.
Treatments can be done through:
This is the administration of drugs that swiftly kill the splitting cells like Leukaemia or other cancerous cells. It can be taken orally in tablet or pill form or taken through a catheter or intravenous line straight into the bloodstream.
Sometimes, combination chemotherapy is administered. It entails combining more than one drug, and the drugs are given in cycles though having rest periods in between.
There are times wherein chemotherapy drugs for Leukaemia are given directly to the cerebrospinal fluid. It is known as intrathecal chemotherapy. The intrathecal chemotherapy is presented as an addition to other chemotherapy types.
It can be used in treating Leukaemia in the spinal cord or brain. In some cases, it helps in preventing the spread of Leukaemia to the spinal cord and brain.
More so, the side effects of chemotherapy will be reliant on the specific drugs that are taken and the regimen or dosage. Some side effects include; hair loss, mouth sores, nausea, tiredness, loss of appetite, etc.
Nevertheless, medications are made available to assist in managing the side effects of chemotherapy. Some adult men and women receive chemotherapy and further sustain damages to their testes or ovaries. This leads to infertility.
What Is Norland Products?
The first thing to note is that Norland products have been successfully used to cure many ailments like Cancer, diabetes, hypertension, infertility of both genders, HIV, hepatitis and even paralysis, to name a few.
For those unaware, Norland was established in the year 2008, and it is regarded as a large scale transnational industrial group. Thus group fully covers medical cosmetology, health, e-commerce and direct selling (MLM).
The Norland insured is integrated with diverse businesses such as medical services, health management, production, finance and international logistics.
It must be noted that this company has taken a giant lead in the health detoxification field. And it does this by adhering to its vision. Its vision states that it will create a universal ecosystem of health and detoxification in a bid for everyone to benefit from health awareness.
As it stands, this company can be found in roughly forty-eight countries and four continents, this includes Africa. It began in Africa in 2017 and has been in Nigeria for three years.
How are Norland Product sold?
Norland products are sold through Network Marketing?
Network marketing is a Direct selling method in which independent-agents serve as distributors of goods and services, and are encouraged to build and manage their own sales force by recruiting and training other independent agents.
In this method, a commission is earned on both the agent’s own sales revenue, as well as on the sales revenue of the sales-force recruited by the agent and his or her recruits (called downline). Also called multilevel marketing (MLM), cellular marketing, or by other such names, it is a multi-billion dollar worldwide industry that distributes practically any portable item.
How to Treat Leukaemia (Cancer of the Blood) with Norland Products in Nigeria
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How to Treat Leukaemia (Cancer of the Blood) with Norland Products in Nigeria
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How to Treat Leukaemia (Cancer of the Blood) with Norland Products in Nigeria
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