Over the years, the teaching profession has been one of the dignified professions available that is making direct contribution to the society and helping in nation building.
Teaching profession is one of the underpaid professions, especially in Nigeria. It takes a person with a purpose to stay in this profession, explore it and make good money. Despite this, most people are not making the best of the profession to earn sizable additional income.
It has been noted that only 20% of the people in this profession makes 80% of the money and also get to the top of the profession. This article is to make you among the top 20% relevant teachers in the teaching profession and that are also financially independent.
There is a difference between making it to the apex of your career as a teacher and being financially independent.
I have seen a many retired headmasters and principals whom a year after receiving their over 3million naira gratuity, they are back to square zero i.e. the whole money gone as a result of unplanned spending and poor investment. At the end of the day, they are still looking for job to be able to meet their daily needs.
I don’t want any teacher reading this, to end in this situation. That is why I have painstakingly poured out a lot of strategies to take you to the top of your career and also make you to earn more money at any level you are in your career. You probably joined the teaching profession this year or you have spent 5 years or you may be at the verge of retirement. All the same, you will be equipped after you are through with this article.
To explore teaching profession, there are some laws and principle you must follow to get most of this profession. These laws are what the top 5 percent of the most influential personality in this profession are obeying.

Purpose is the reason why you are doing something. It is fundamental in teaching; you must be fulfilled as a teacher. You must be excited and happy any time you get to class to teach your students. If you are not happy and excited, you better get a resignation letter and resign. Any profession you are not happy with, you cannot explore it and you cannot make good money from it.
Vision is the picture of a preferred future. You must see yourself as a professional teacher that will influence the world through your work. You must see yourself getting to the top 5% of your career. You must see yourself as a successful teacher that is financially independent. Know this, it is not your profession that is not helping you to make money; it is the lack of knowledge about making money that put you in financial mess.
You must acquire knowledge on daily basis in your profession as a Teacher. Go for short courses. Don’t stay for 10 years as an NCE holder or OND holder. Go for your degree either on a part time or full time basis. Get a Masters degree if you have the opportunity. Further to get your PH.D and you can also become a Professor.
Have you ever noticed that Professor get more pay in the academics than a Primary School Teacher?
Do you also know that there are some graduates under the age of 40years that own their Private Primary, Secondary Schools and have employed over 20 teachers? All these are as a result of knowledge. I once asked a Teacher that “ if she knew how to start a school?” She answered “No”. You see, the thinking of a Proprietor is different from the thinking of the Principal and teachers. All I am saying is that you need knowledge, not just for certificate but to be informed.
Generally in any Profession, people want to work with skillful people. People want to work with skillful Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, Pharmacists, Clergy men, and so on. The same thing with Teachers, everybody wants to work with skillful Teachers. You must process and develop your skills. The various soft skills I recommend that you develop are:
Communication skills, Networking skills, Financial skills, Enterprising skills, Leadership and Relational skills.
All these skills and many more will help you as you explore your teaching Profession and make good money.
As I said earlier, it is not your Profession that determines how financially free you will become but the knowledge of making money available to you and the technology of making money you are using.
I have seen poor Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers and I have seen rich ones too. I have seen rich Teachers and also poor Teachers. It is not about the profession.
To make money generally, you must add value. People pay mostly for Solutions you provide. The world had made a promise to you; bring a solution and we will give you money. Either you are a Teacher, Lawyer or you did not cross the four walls of a school. Once you have solution, we give you the money.
Has it ever occurred to you, that people spend billions of naira on all sorts of things on a daily basis? The question is how many of this spent money is coming to you.
I have highlighted here some activities you can engage in as a teacher that within few years, you can make good money and be financially free.
Let’s start with what you have as a teacher, because it is always good to start with what you have. Somebody once said, it is not what you don’t have that limits you but what you have and you don’t know how to use.
Some of the things that you have as a teacher are to EXPLORE TEACHING PROFESSION AND MAKE GOOD MONEY
1. You have talents.
2. You have acquired skills.
3. You have time(shorter work day).
4. You have Salaries and benefits.
5. You have brain to use.
6. You have prestige.
7. You have cooperative society.
8. You have sense of belonging.
9. You have relationship with fellow Teachers, Students, Parents e. t. c.
10. You have sense of purpose.
11. You have courage.
12. You have desire to be financially independent.
13. You have faith to see what other can’t see.
14. You have customers you have not yet discovered.
15. You have GOD.
All these are what you should begin to research on. Think on how you can leverage on these ideas to achieve financial independence and EXPLORE TEACHING PROFESSION AND MAKE GOOD MONEY
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100/5 Academy 08060779290