Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria

Note: This sample YOUWIN BUSINESS PLAN has won the stage one of the YOUWIN business competition.
Business Application
Basic Business Data
QUESTION: What is your business? (Please briefly describe your business in 10 words or less, for example, “Poultry farming”; “Information Technology consultancy services”)
Quick service restaurant
QUESTION: In what sector is your business? (Please choose one from the drop down menu)
Select an Option

Food and restaurant
QUESTION: Why are you in this business or want to get into this business?
Words used: 0/50
I am in the business because I want to be self reliant, create job opportunities, and also prepare quality and satisfying food for my customers. I have unrepentant creativity and passion for cooking food. I saw the unsatisfied market in my area and I decide to meet the need.
If you are applying as an existing business, what is the address where your business is physically located?
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Business Concept Business Model
QUESTION: Please describe your business in detail, including a description of your services or products.
Words used: 0/250
PATILAD foods venture is a quick service restaurant that process food ingredients into dedicated, standard menu for customers in the city of Akure. Standard menu include Rice (varieties), Chicken, Pastries, Special menus (local dishes).
The business started in 2006 when I was an undergraduate and is now fully registered in 2012.
PATILAD is a trendy and healthy place to eat, combining and intriguing atmosphere with excellent, interesting food that is also very good for people in a social environment.
Our mission:- is to exceed customers’ expectations in every sense by providing ambiance for every sensory perception.
The atmosphere and food will please the customers, hearing, taste, smell, touch and sight. And provide an exciting creative environment.
– To create a service-based company whose primary goal is to exceed customer’s expectation
– Increase the number of client’s served by 20% per year through superior service
– To develop enough cash flow to pay all salaries as well as grow the business
Our services: – Deliveries – private homes, business
Catering- private dinner, local businesses/meeting, conferences, on premises meeting, wedding and burial ceremonies
Buffet- on premises patrons

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QUESTION: What is unique or innovative about your business? What is new or different about your products or services?
Words used: 0/100
PATILAD is a fast food service where the product is almost instantly served. The food is quickly available because of a special daily, in house, pre-cooking process of the meat substance. A wok is used solely for the steaming of vegetables which keeps them readily available.
Words used: 0/100
PATILAD also have excellent innovative packaging, taste and customer relations
QUESTION: Describe your market–who will you be selling your products or services to? (including size of the market, major segments/types of customers, factors affecting the market)
Words used: 0/200
Resent years have seen the startup of several new restaurant in the city especially the franchise operators.
The population and the demographics of Akure have being on the increase in the last 3 years as a
result of relocation and establishment of new industries. Local businesses are increasing at a rate of 20% yearly.
The idea of health consciousness through nutrition awareness and dietary change has been slowly building for the last 7years.
Our customer range from singles, couples, higher institution students, secondary school students, to all ages.
What affect the market are income, lifestyle, and health conscious, busy and full schedules of customers
To make preparation for YouWiN3 business plan competition very easy for you,
We have prepared for you this material:Grant Winning Workbook for YouWiN and Investors.
The various grants available for starting and expanding your business
About YouWiN!
Step by step registration of YouWiN!
8 reasons why people don’t win YouWiN!
4 criteria for winning YouWiN!
How to raise investors beyond YouWiN!
Past information and statistics about YouWiN!
A-Z of writing a business plan
5 stage1 Sample business plan that has won YouWiN! competition

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