Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
One of the things I decided to learn early in life was to locate opportunity and maximize opportunity. Every day, opportunity fly around and only few people plug into those opportunities e.g, Tony Elumelu grants ends today and a lot people ignore it even though they are qualified to apply. I remember when I first applied, I was not selected and on the 2nd attempt, I was selected. I was given $5,000 to launch my physical office today as a business planning and development consultant.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
Ok, before I go on, celebrate with me as I am now a Certified Management Consultant and a fellow of The Institute of Management Consultants. And International Council of Management Consulting Institutes.

Early last year 2020, I was opportune to be in Dubai for a special Executive Masters in Business Administration by the Metropolitan School of Business. When I saw the opportunity, I looked for the money and I registered for the programme and it was a life changing one. It was after this event that the corona virus lock down started and nobody and travel out of the country.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.

You must look for opportunities to improve yourself and especially learn how to earn multiple streams of income.
I also remembered I got my first car from an opportunity my wife’s friend introduced me to. I was opened enough to learn it and it became a major flow of income for me at that time.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
Today, I want to introduce Norland Opportunity to you officially. And this opportunity, if you will run with it, your financial life can never remain the same.
Caveat here,
The fact that Tony Elumelu Grant transforms people’s lives does not mean that everybody will do it. If you don’t apply, you cannot win. Same with every opportunity, if you don’t participate, it cannot benefit you.
Before I show you about Norland Opportunity, I have heard stories about how people invest money in Forex and lose all the money, not 2, not 3. I have more than 5 people’s stories like that, and I wonder why people go into such business without learning. In every business, it is about learning first, then you remove the L then you start earning.
Same with Norland business, you learn first and you start earning. It is possible that you have heard of Norland and you have not Joined, then listen well to what I have for you.
Norland Business is a health and wellness business that uses Network Marketing to sell its products. So, I will personally be training you to be successful in this business. Remember, many people are already losing money in the things they are not trained for like forex.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
I will personally use my 3 years of experience in Norland and over 7 years of experience in Network marketing to train you.
Let’s look at stories of people like you who joined me in this Norland business.
1. Madam Folasade B.: She is a retiree but not tired. She joined Norland in September last year, 2020 and I took her through over an intensive training and today, she has more than 3 accounts in Norland and she is about to become a stockist in Norland. And she will soon qualify for her UK trip. All expenses paid.
2. Oluwabusola Paul: I registered him with my money and today, he has 7 accounts in Norland that is putting money in his pocket. Norland has become a major stream of Income to him and he is about to qualify for his UK trip. He is our representative in Ibadan Oyo state.
3. Omowumi F: She is a registered nurse and a midwife. She is our latest member in Norland. She is about to receive her first alert in Norland.
4. Richard O: He works with me at Dayo Adetiloye Business Hub. He joined this business and it has become a major stream of Income for him, he combines this business with his work.
I have many more stories…
Here is my picture at Health Outreach, Redemption Camp with my team.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
So, how do you join my team in Norland and what do we sell in Norland. Norland has over 40 Products which range from Tea, Coffee, Frying pan, Energy bracelet, Toothpaste, GI that cures ulcer, to Vision vital that cures any eye problem like cataract, glaucoma etc., Sanitary pad and so on.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
I can tell you, in terms of reliable opportunity in Nigeria as of today, Norland is the best, but you need training first.
In the month of April 2021, I will be training 1st 20 people that shown serious financial commitment and will like to join Norland and make big money from Norland.
If you have interest, click link and chat me up immediately to book your slot and to commence your training.
Somebody asked, have you made money in this business? So, I will be showing you some weekly alerts.
I need you to learn this business first before you decide if you can do it or not.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
If you join President Dayo’s Team in this Business, Here are Your Benefits.
1. Comprehensive training on Norland with links to videos and articles. (Free of charge)
2. My premium 30days coaching programme that I sell for 20k title “How to get to the top in any Network Marketing” free of charge.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
3. Top 3 Network Marketing books that top successful Network Marketers have used over time.
4. I will sponsor 1 person under you free of charge (Terms and Conditions Applies) and place 2 people under you free of charge (once you meet the requirement). In my team, you learn how to bring people; it is a skill. Each the rich people know how to Network. They say their network is their Net worth.
5. I will show our team strategy for you to qualify for your UK trip in less than 2 months if you are ready to put on the required effort and work.
6. I will show you grants opportunities to succeed in your other businesses and if you don’t have one, I will teach you how to start one and also teach you financial literacy.
7. So, joining my team is a business school; the only difference is that you are making money as you are learning.

I will like to show just 20 people this opportunity in the month of April. Not everybody will qualify because I will screen you out.
1. You are tired of not having enough and you have made up your mind to follow someone that has proved record to make things happen.
2. You are not scared of learning new things and putting your fear behind you and daring the impossible and taking control of your finances.
3. You are hungry for success and you are ready to put all that you will learn into practice.
4. You are able to raise your startup capital in this business which ranges from N100,000 – N1million- N6million.

If this is you, call or WhatsApp me on 08060779290.
Join My Team in Norland Business as we Prepare for UK Trip in July 2021.
You know I don’t introduce what I have not done. This is my third year in Norland Industrial Group. I know what I am saying.
Chat me up
If this is you, call or WhatsApp me on 08060779290.
Testimonies of Car Awardee Live at Norland Head Office
Uk Trip Analysis at the Lagos Head Office

Dayo Adetiloye (B,Agric, MBA, CMC, DBA in View)
Your Business Planning and Development Consultant
Your Certified Management Consultant
Your Network Marketing Consultant and Business Coach
Full 2021 Norland Seminar :
Click here Norland seminar presentation